The Book of Ruth, an elegant piece of biblical literature, offers much more than meets the eye. Particularly, the setting of the narrative in the season of barley harvest provides profound significance that intertwines with our understanding of redemption in Christ.
Ruth and her mother-in-law Naomi return home during the barley harvest. At first glance, this detail might seem irrelevant. However, upon a deeper exploration, the barley harvest season reveals connections to several significant religious events including Passover, Shavat, and even the Christian celebration of Pentecost.
The barley harvest typically started in the Jewish month of Nisan, which coincides with Passover. It is in this season that Ruth worked in Boaz's fields, an activity that spans for about three months. This period is significant, as it culminates in Shavat, the festival of weeks celebrated 50 days or seven weeks after Passover.
Leviticus 23:22 reveals the compassionate aspect of these harvest festivals. It mandated that portions of the field were to be left for the poor and the foreigners to glean, ensuring their survival. Ruth, being a foreigner and a widow, would have been among those who benefited from this practice.
Furthermore, the Book of Ruth is read on Shavat each year. While the reasons vary, one argument is that Ruth's story embodies the celebration of the grain harvest, the backdrop of her narrative. However, a more compelling explanation is that Ruth's story, a love tale between a Jew and a Gentile, foreshadows the unification of Jews and Gentiles through Christ.
This concept of unity becomes even more pronounced when we consider that Shavat translates to Pentecost in Greek. On Pentecost, Christians commemorate the Holy Spirit descending upon the disciples, opening the gates of salvation for both Jews and Gentiles.
Looking at Pentecost through the lens of biblical numerology, the number 50 (the number of days after Passover) signifies freedom. It echoes the year of Jubilee, a year of debt forgiveness and fresh starts. Therefore, Pentecost symbolizes the spiritual freedom we receive through Christ's death and resurrection.
So, the timing of Ruth and Naomi's return during the barley harvest is not a random detail but a deliberate insertion to highlight these spiritual themes. The barley harvest, therefore, becomes a symbol of redemption, unity, and the shift from law-keeping to a relationship with God through the Holy Spirit.
In conclusion, the seemingly minor detail of the barley harvest in the story of Ruth is in fact a key to unlocking profound spiritual truths. It’s a reminder that every element in the biblical narrative serves a purpose and carries a message, if we're only willing to dig a little deeper.