Embark on a historical voyage as we reveal the enigmatic Wise Men's role in the Christmas narrative, not as figures of a quaint nativity scene, but as pivotal characters who venture across deserts, guided by celestial prophec...
Discover the wonder and humanity that cradled the very first Christmas as we strip away the centuries and breathe new life into the story of Jesus's birth. Envision the crowded streets of Bethlehem, where Mary and Joseph, lik...
Imagine walking in the shoes of the most ordinary couple yet chosen for an extraordinary mission - to parent the promised Messiah. This episode takes you on a captivating journey through the biblical narrative of Mary and Jos...
Unwrap the narrative of Christmas like never before. We're going on a historical journey, piecing together the true story behind the joyous event with a keen focus on the real happenings in Bethlehem, Elizabeth and Zachariah'...
Prepare to embark on a spiritual journey as we unpack the profound meaning of Psalm 23โs final verse. Discover the fascinating way 'goodness' was understood in Hebrew morality, shaped by God's law rather than personal satisfa...
Explore with us the profound layers of Psalm 23:5. The journey promises an in-depth look into the cultural, historical, geographical, and sociological contexts that shape this beloved Psalm. We analyze the third stanza, a piv...
I love that this is being sent out into the world during Spooky Season! Becasue what is more terrifying than the Valley of the Shadow of Death! Imagine an enlightening exploration through the valley of the shadow of death its...
Have you ever felt like you're walking in circles, stuck in the desert of life, yearning for a path out? It's times like these when we need to trust in the shepherd, our God, to guide us to green pastures. Join me, Vic, as we...
Who would've thought that the well-known verse, Psalms 23-2: "He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside quiet waters," could awaken such a riveting adventure into the past? Settle into your seat as we unearth...
Imagine stepping into a time machine, propelled back to the desolate deserts of ancient Israel. Picture rocky terrains and vast, dry landscapes. Now, visualize yourself in the very shoes of a shepherd, undertaking the dauntin...
What if I told you that our beloved biblical character David was not just a shepherd out of choice or tradition, but was forced into it for reasons that may shock you? Prepare for an exploration into David's life, where we ch...
Ever wondered why Ruth was blessed with the matriarchs, Rachel, Leah and Tamar? Well, prepare to have your curiosity satisfied! In our latest deep dive into biblical history on 'Our Ancient Future Story,' we unravel the curio...
Ever found yourself wondering why on earth the Bible thought it important to let us know that Ruth and Naomi returned home during barley harvest? Buckle up, because we're about to unveil the significance of this seemingly irr...
Today's episode will dive into the life of Orpah after she leaves Ruth and Naomi and returns home to her Mother's house. What ever happened to her? How does she fit into the story of God's family? Today we tell the end of her...
On todays episode we discuss the importance of Bethlehem. Why do we care that Ruth and Naomi returned back there instead of somewhere else? We dive into questions about the significance of the name "House of Bread" and what t...
This weeks episodes are going to be a little different, because though we have finished teh book of Ruth there are still more questions we should dive into. And the first one is today's episode, So What Ruth was a Moabite? Wh...
Today we conclude the Story of Ruth. We will dive into the process of Redemption and what Boaz chose to do, in order to redeem Ruth and Naomi. And how His act of honor leads to the Ultimate Redemption of us through Jesus Chri...
In Today's Episode we dive into Chapter 3 of Ruth's Story! We will see the relationship between Ruth and Boaz grow, as well as the responsibility of the Family Redeemer take shape. I have also provided a guide for this weeks ...
Today we pick up in Chapter 2 of the Story of Ruth. Ruth and Naomi have settled back in Bethlehem and now Ruth must go out into the fields to glean for food so that they may survive. Ruth happens upon the fields of Boaz, a re...
We are Back!! And we are jumping into season 2 with the story of Ruth. Today we will focus on the first chapter of Ruth's story! And how she found herself in a new land with her Mother in law. We will discuss what her famous ...